
About Me

You close your eyes and find yourself on a winding path through some dense woods. Trees tower over you away in a protective manner. Wild life does not seem to be bothered by your presence. At the end of the path you come to a rather large lake surrounded by woods like the ones you just came out of. They form a protective barrier around you in your seclusion. A glance around the lake and you see a figure about 20 years old peering into the lake from the edge. You walk over but as you get closer the man smiles on the other side of his head that is not currently visible. “I seem to have a guest.” he says with a chuckle. as he turns around offering the same warm smile to you. “Welcome…make yourself at home.”

About me:
Real name: Alex Kollar
“Craft Name”: Chakabe Chambers (Chakabe on forums)
Date of Birth: March 14 1991

I myself and a deeply philosophical person for my age. To the key that it tends to put people off because I am always thinking about things that at my age I should not be concerned with. However all of this wanting to study paganism started in my 11th grade year while watching “Into the Wild” I was inspired by McCandless. I wanted to be free of judgment and Law and politics. Not so much people because I understand everything is better with other people. I just wanted to be away from the effects of people. So I started taking interest in the pagan religions. Eventually I stumbled upon druidry which today is Neo-Druidry since the practices of days of yore were wiped out by the church a long time ago in a galaxy far way.
All of this culminates in me saying that I’m studying pagan / druid since the two seem to make a rather interesting combination.